
106 Game Reviews

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For a first, it's all right

Well, at least you tried to do something sensible. My first advice would be to tell us what we have to do. I clicked around randomly, and yay, something happened.
Second: draw! The cake was fully drawn, but everything else lines and sqares and such.
Third: make the animations a little slower, so we can follow what happens. Or decrease the fps. As the size of the file is quite small, the loading time is minimal. But a play button at the very first frame would be nice.
And my final word about the music: set it to loop some times, then play around a bit with starting and stopping it. Make a layer just for the sounds.
I hope you'll continue to have fun creating flashes.

teammember responds:

i know, i forgot to loop, and make the play


I think, that in the genre of dress-ups, this was a nice one. Well-done, different clothes, and everything fit in the theme. Even the background, and eastern-feeling music!
However it didn't have much to it beside the graphics. I see you've submitted dress-up games before. They're all right, but try yourself in something else too (just an advice). But if you have fun making them, go on.

Kool game

It really is. I loved that the zombie scene music was from Romero's Dawn of the dead. But sometimes I'd shoot a zombie, and it didn't die, had to shoot it again. But I guess that's what zombies are like. :-D
I failed the 4th scene, then went to lvl selection, played it till I got gold medal, then I thought I'd continue the story. Well, it started from the beginning, so I said oh well, I'll just select lvl 5. But I couldn't! It wasn't on the selection screen. That took my spirits away.
Fun story, cute graphics, gets a 4 from me.


I can only agree with GamerLioness. This game's a pearl in the ocean.
I totally enjoyed it, especially the graphics, the drawings, and the atmosphere they created along with music. It's like an animated comicbook, which is very detailed, precisely elaborate... beautiful.

Only a pro can create something like this.
I didn't find it too violent, nor gory, but I understand the rating.
I also like how you thought of everyone, when failing a mission. :-) The website's cool too, forum, wallpapers, walkthrough (and with php!).


Well made

The actionscript part is immaculate. I liked how there was a counter everywhere as you went, and the 'ratings' like failed/passed + medals. At first I didn't notice that respawning not only makes us stinky, but lose about 3 secs. :-D Nice fluid movement, didn't play through all tracks, but I will. I promise.
It would be nicer if it had a bit more variety to the graphics (for example of the tracks). 3/5 from me (today).


I liked it mainly because of the graphics. Yes. They're awesome! So are the sounds. It was pure delight watching them. Controls take a bit time to get used to, but every good game is like that. Very elaborate.
Damn, it's dawn already? lol

Quite fun for some time

Made me play it several times, so to those who haven't tried: go and play not once, at least 3-4 times! I like how the background keeps being more and more blurred, and good choice of music. What I didn't get was the racing part where you had to hit space...
Overally 5/5, (scripting and such) but it might not draw me back soon. I'm happy to hear though that you'll make a second.

Maxwelldoggums responds:

Thanks for reviewing! The races were just thrown in to try and make it less boring.


Liked how smartly it's planned out :-D Couldn't get through in about 10 tries, but I might come back n try some more. Music's all right too. Cool game, dude! 4/5

Not bad, but not good

Also, some unwanted pages appeared on me... The concept is cool, I almost licked my fingers upon reading the title. Mostly glitchless, movement could've been faster. What I didn't like were the prizes being quite meaningless - I expected things that help to stay alive. Graphics are all right, sounds a bit harsh/loud. It gets a 3 from me.

Made me play on and on...

My eyes got so adjusted to it, that these letters seem to also lean this way, then the other lol

It is whole, complete, definite, exact. And just hard enough to let people have satisfaction over making it. I like how the music fits, and oooh, the levels... so carefully planned out! A new favorite :-)

Very smooth, precise work! I'm glad to hear you plan to make another. Gets tops from me.


Age 37, Male



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